Consulted a startup to develop an innovative people tracking solution

IOT Based Hyper Local Marketing Solution

We were consulted by an emerging IoT and AI company to help conceptualize and execute an innovative people-tracking solution that helps brands deliver targeted messaging in near real-time.

The Challenge

Determining the right platforms for the client’s specific needs given the large spectrum of technologies and edge devices on offer was the first challenge. Also, it was required to craft the most relevant and industry-neutral KPIs to measure systems and user performance.

The Solution

Leveraging BLE beacon technology and innovative data mining techniques, we helped develop the framework for a new proximity marketing system. Using an advanced analytics suite, this system was able to successfully identify and engage consumers based on likelihood-of-conversion and other critical metrics.

Seraro also consulted on developing a campaign creation interface for relevant stakeholders via the client’s IOT platform, complete with analytics, optimization, and response-monitoring modules. This enabled end-users to deliver an enhanced customer experience that simultaneously utilized both digital and direct marketing tactics.





Backend and Apps
